Greg Hands M.P. has welcomed the news that three new schools have been approved for Hammersmith and Fulham: Burlington Danes Primary Academy, the Earls Court Primary School and the Rise School.
The schools are three of the 102 new ‘free schools’ approved by Ministers to open across England from September 2014 and beyond. Free schools are new state schools opened by groups of parents, teachers or charities. They give parents more choice of school and ensure more children can get a great state education. Up and down the country, free schools are already delivering what parents want – strong discipline, high standards and excellent teaching.
Greg said: "I am delighted that Burlington Danes Primary Academy, the Earls Court Primary School and the Rise School have been approved to open in Hammersmith and Fulham. A lot of people have worked incredibly hard to get these new schools approved and they have done a fantastic job.
"The Conservatives are making sure many more parents have the choice of a great local state school for their children. What parents want is strong discipline and high standards, and that is what these schools will deliver.
"It is very disappointing that Labour still oppose free schools. Andrew Slaughter and the Labour party in Hammersmith and Fulham must say whether they would fight for these great new schools to stay open under a Labour government."
Education Secretary Michael Gove said: "There are many innovators in local communities set on raising standards of education for their children. I am delighted to approve so many of their high-quality plans to open a free school.
"Free schools are extremely popular with parents and are delivering strong discipline and teaching excellence across the country."